
Rob's Rescue Reviews: See What Real People Are Saying About Us

We'll be the first to say it - we could talk about Rob's Rescue all day! However, we love it when our satisfied customers do the talkin' for us. Speaking of satisfied customers, did you know that, throughout our 38 year history, we've never had a single complaint? More on that later - but, for now, take a look at just some of the glowing reviews we've gotten over the years!

Mr. Harry L. from Naples, Florida Writes:

This is to certify our belief in this wonderful product. Rob's Rescue removes unwanted spots from rugs, furniture and clothing in fast action. We cannot see ourselves being without it - we are always extremely satisfied.


Ms. Carol S. from Bexley, Ohio Writes:

This product is truly unbelievable! Between two boys, two dogs, a million kids running around the house and a husband who is an accident waiting to happen, you have given me back my sanity. Rob's Rescue spot remover is magic! I would highly recommend this product to anyone who has kids and an active life.

Ms. Sandra L. from Plymouth, Minnesota Writes:

I wish to congratulate you on your superb product. I had a makeup stain near the neckline of my blouse and used your marvelous product to remove the stain. The name "Rescue" is ingenious. Rob's Rescue kept a beautiful knit top from the "rag heap."

Ms. Cathy B.from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Writes:

Rob's Rescue promptly removed the stain - and had no harsh chemical smell!

Ms. Terry M. from Cincinnati, Ohio Writes:

We have been using Rob's Rescue to clean carpets. It does a much better job on spots than any other product we've tried.

Ms. Carol D. from Columbus, Ohio Writes:

I am writing to tell you what a great product Rob's Rescue is. It gets out even set-in chocolate stains. I tried [redacted product name] and had no results. I was about to give up when I decided to use Rob's Rescue and, I am pleased to report, stains are gone!"

Do you have a glowing review of your own? Wish to give us a little feedback on our product? Get in touch with us today!