Frequently Asked Questions About Rob's Rescue

Throughout our time in the industry, we've met a lot of colorful characters who have asked a lot of peculiar questions:

  • I spilled wine in my yacht, will Rob's Rescue help?
  • My brother dumped olive oil all over the living room floor - can you fix it?
  • Y'all know how to get mud tracks off the ceiling?
  • How do I get blood out of my carpet? Asking for a friend...

We'll field the real interesting ones directly, but for all of the most common questions and concerns, take a look below!

What Happens If My Bottle of Rob's Rescue Freezes?

While it is best to avoid freezing, it's not the end of the world if it happens! Just let your solution thaw out and all should go well.

Can I Use Rob's Rescue On My Silk Sheets?

Do not - and we repeat - do not use Rob's Rescue on silk. Only use this solution on water-safe fabrics and surfaces. If water can damage it, this will damage it. Other than that, there's an unbelievably low risk barrier to using Rob's Rescue!

I Love This Stuff ... Can I Get A White Label/Wholesale Discount?

Absolutely, good buddy! Rob's Rescue started out as a white-labeled solution for independent carpet cleaners across the nation, so we are no stranger to sending out large orders. Simply get in touch with us today and we'll strike out a wholesale deal.